Intelligence Quotient (IQ) scores have fascinated people for years, with many wondering what counts as a “good” IQ and whether it impacts life success. Normally, an IQ score considered a “good” often falls in the range of 85-115, while a “high” IQ often 115-130, and gifted is above 130.
The average IQ score is 100, and approximately 68% of the population has an IQ score between 85 and 115. An IQ score is generally considered "good" if it is above average. Therefore, any IQ score higher than 115 is regarded as good.
To better evaluate and understand IQ scores above the average, it is important to explore the significance of each range within this category.
Here’s a breakdown of commonly recognized IQ score ranges
IQ rangrange | Meaning |
Below 85 | Below Average |
85 - 115 | Average |
115 - 130 | Above Average |
130 - 145 | Gifted |
Above 145 | Genius |
Here’s a breakdown of commonly recognized IQ score ranges
Based on the above table of IQ classification, we can come to conclusion:
Having a good IQ can play an important role in achieving success. This leads to one of the most frequently asked questions about IQ, what really does IQ contribute to success in life. Here are some ways a higher IQ might contribute to success:
However, intelligence does not always lead to success that is why fame and glory where expected did not come. A lot of very successful people have average IQ or better but they don’t succeed because of their IQ but because they have other qualities such as EQ, creativity and perseverance.
EQ, which refers to controlling and recognizing facial expressions, mood, and interpersonal interactions, occupies the same rank as IQ, especially in interpersonal organizational workspaces. These prior studies have demonstrated that EQ plays a remarkably large role in one’s organizational and job success, management proficiency and individual well-being. Besides, building relationships and networking are critical for many career paths.
Combining IQ with other skills often leads to the best outcomes. People who balance analytical strengths with interpersonal skills tend to thrive across diverse career paths, and those with high IQ scores sometimes experience unique pressures, including higher expectations from others, which can add stress.
To determine if you have a "good" IQ, taking a recognized IQ test is the best approach. Generally, a score between 115 and 130 reflects above-average intelligence, and scores above 130 are considered high, often qualifying for high-IQ societies like Mensa. Reliable IQ tests, such as the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, assess various cognitive skills and provide accurate results. There are also numerous online IQ tests available, but it’s wise to choose reputable sources, as professional tests are more valid for an accurate assessment.
Keep in mind that IQ is one measure of cognitive ability, and intelligence encompasses a range of skills not fully represented by IQ tests alone.
IQ is not fixed but it is hereditary nevertheless and depends on the environment that a person lives in. Studies show that certain activities may help improve cognitive abilities and boost one’s IQ potential:
What is a good IQ score for a child?
Average IQ score ranging from 85 to 115 can be said to be good for a child. For children, of course a “good” IQ embodies their growth, development, and interests, as well as the nurturing presence of their environment.
Is an IQ of 120 good?
Yes, an IQ of 120 is good. It is above average IQ score and can be referred to as very good. This score usually means that you are good at solving most of the problems or that you may be the type of person who does well academically or professionally who deals with most of his work using his brain.
What IQ is considered “genius”?
An IQ score of 145 or higher is often referred to as “genius” or “highly gifted.” But as every one of us who has ever experienced success and achievement on that level knows, it takes more than raw intellect to become a genius-level achiever: it takes creativity, desire, and hard work.
Do high IQ people make more money?
There is some correlation between IQ and income, but it’s modest. High EQ, social skills, and networking are also significant factors in financial success.
Is IQ the only predictor of intelligence?
No, IQ is one measure of cognitive ability, but other types of intelligence, such as EQ, creativity, and practical skills, are equally important in a well-rounded assessment of intelligence.
In conclusion, a good IQ score is not an absolute measure but varies depending on an individual’s goals and perspective. While an IQ score above 115 is generally regarded as good, it is important to remember that IQ is just one indicator of mental ability. Success in professional fields, interpersonal relationships, problem-solving, and other areas often depends on emotional intelligence, creativity, and social skills.