Home Standardized IQ Tests

Standardized IQ Tests

Discover free online versions of standardized IQ tests. Challenge your cognitive abilities with a series of engaging multiple-choice questions which measure different areas of your cognitive ability. Select one of the online standardized tests below and uncover insights into your potential.

IQ Test

Answer 30 scientifically crafted questions in just 20 minutes. Enjoy a free test with instant results. Trusted and highly accurate, this scientifically viable IQ test is your ultimate assessment!

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Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

The WAIS, assesses various domains, from verbal comprehension to perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed in adults and adolescents. The test’s latest version is WAIS-V, consisting of 7 major subtests to determine the full-scale IQ score (FSIQ).

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Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales measures a person’s intelligence and cognitive potential by assessing five areas of cognitive ability. These include working memory, fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitative reasoning, and visual-spatial processing.

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Mensa IQ Test

This test is designed to be pretty tough, so don't be discouraged by the difficulty level when you move through the test. It’s providing a fun and engaging way to assess reasoning and problem-solving skills.

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Raven's Matrices Test

The Raven's Progressive Matrices is focused on culture fairness, minimizing the influence of culture and language on the results. The RPM measuring  general intelligence and fluid intelligence—the ability to think abstractly and flexibly, reason quickly, and solve problems independently without relying on previously acquired knowledge.

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Explore free online versions of standardized IQ tests, which offer a convenient way to gain insights into your cognitive abilities. While not a substitute for officially administered evaluations, these online tools can be a great option for curious minds eager to learn more about their intellectual strengths and potential.

These online IQ tests consist of questions that gauge various areas of cognitive ability, like problem-solving skills, logical reasoning, memory, and more. Keep in mind that for most tests, the difficulty level gradually increases as you progress. Stay focused throughout to ensure meaningful results. Ready to start the test now!